
Africa in Focus Photo Competition – Week One Entries


Tenneil Zondagh


Our annual Wilderness Safaris Photographic Competition has opened for entries. This year’s competition, Africa in Focus, invites entries taken anywhere on the African continent – photographs that celebrate the beauty and splendour of Africa.

Africa in Focus

photographs that define Africa

Join us by sharing your favourite photographs that define Africa – her magnificent landscapes, unparalleled wildlife, and culturally rich, welcoming people. With the global COVID-19 pandemic inhibiting travel and challenging us on so many levels, now more than ever we need to reminisce – and dream – of Africa’s beauty, adventure, wide-open spaces, and true wilderness.


Whether you’re photographing elephant crossing the snaking blue channels of the Okavango, Himba traversing the rolling dunes of the Kaokoveld, the intense gaze of a mountain gorilla, a camel caravan in the Sahara, or any other striking scene, we’d love to see the best images you have to offer.


The first week has seen us garner many amazing entries in a number of the prescribed categories. Have a look at some of our favourites so far. We hope this selection inspires you to enter your photos from Africa.

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Africa in Focus

breathtaking silhouette and sunset images

Silhouette photography is an excellent way to add drama, mood and mystery to a photo. The intriguing dark shape or outline of a subject in front of a lighter background conveys a sense of the unknown that can easily draw a viewer in, and give them a deeper connection to your image.


There is no better background to do this with than an African sunset, the golden hour, best spent in the bush with a gin and tonic in hand and watching as the sky transforms through all its spectacular hues. For something different, try photographing the sunset with a telephoto lens. The sun will be much larger in your image, and other parts of the scene will be compressed, making them appear closer to the camera and each other than they really are.

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Africa in Focus

People/Cultures and Communities of Africa category

At Wilderness, community is all about the people at the heart of our business. Internal community, our staff, and External Community – comprising the rural communities that either own the land on which we operate or live adjacent to these areas. As our communities are such an integral pillar in our business we thought it essential to have a category in our competition dedicated to all the people of Africa.


This category celebrates the characters, cultures, traditions, and modern adaptations of Africa’s people within their natural environment.

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Africa in Focus

amazing desert landscape photos

As the urge to travel grows within those of us currently isolating within the confines of our own four walls, we are thrilled to share some amazing desert landscape photos by entrants in the Africa in Focus 2020 photo competition. If you are longing for wide-open space, remote landscapes, striking natural beauty and a place to disconnect from the world and reconnect to nature … look no further!


Africa is a continent scattered with deserts – arid areas, yet full of colour and life. Have a look at some of the amazing desert landscape images, witness the wonder and feel the beauty of still life at its finest … Africa in Focus!

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Let’s plan your next journey


When we say we’re there every step of the way, we mean it, literally. From planning the perfect circuit, to private inter-camp transfers on Wilderness Air, and easing you through Customs. We’re with you on the ground, at your side, 24-7, from start to finish. Ready to take the road less travelled? Contact our Travel Designers to plan an unforgettable journey.