
Safari Quiz Answers

Your Guide to Africa

Tenneil Zondagh


We hope you had fun taking the quiz recently published, now we give you the answers and some interesting facts to keep you learning and dreaming of Africa.


1. Can you identify these animals?


African Wild Dog

 Even though they are much smaller than lion and leopards, wild dogs have a higher success rate when it comes to killing prey. Hunting at dawn and dusk, they work as a team and can bring down much larger animals, including antelope and wildebeest.
African Elephant

African elephants are the largest land animals in the world today. The average African elephant will grow to between 8.2 to 13 feet (2.5 to 4 m) tall, measured from shoulder to toe
African Lion

 Even though the lion is sometimes referred to as the “king of the jungle,” it actually only lives in grasslands and plains.
Bat-Eared Fox 

Although these small predators are common in ten different African countries, their small size and nocturnal habits are not conducive to easy safari sightings.
Red Lechwe 

Lechwe are diurnal and social animals. They gather in herds which can include many thousands of individuals. Herds are usually all of one sex, but during mating season they mix.


Chacma Baboon

Baboons are very vocal and use a range of different sounds to communicate with one another. They use a series of grunts, screams and alarm barks to alert troop members to danger, usually the presence of a predator.


2. A group of lions is called a? Pride


Prides are family units that may comprise anywhere from two to 40 lions—including up to to three or four males, a dozen or so females, and their young. All of a pride's lionesses are related, and female cubs typically stay with the group as they age. Young males eventually leave and establish their own prides by taking over a group headed by another male.


3. The gestation period of an elephant is? 22 months


Elephants have the longest gestation period of all mammals, carrying their young for nearly two years before giving birth. Long developmental periods are common among highly intelligent animals. Since elephants are the largest living and biggest-brained land animal in the world, there's a lot of developing for elephants to do in the womb.



4. Another name for the African wild dog is? Painted Wolf


The Latin name for the African wild dog means “painted wolf” and this is a well-deserved name as no two wild dogs have the same markings, which makes them easily identifiable as individuals. 



5. In terms of IUCN conservation status, Bat-eared foxes are classified as? Least Concern
Established in 1964, The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species.



6. Can you identify these birds?


European Bee-Eater 

As the name suggests, bee-eaters eat flying insects, especially bees and wasps. They catch them in the air by darting from a perch.
Pied Kingfisher

The pied birds are so named for their black and white plumage and crest with a mottled wing pattern. They are the most recognizable kingfisher.
African Jacana

 The African jacana is a wader in the family Jacanidae, identifiable by long toes and long claws that enable them to walk on floating vegetation in shallow lakes, their preferred habitat
Verreaux's Eagle Owl

 is one of the largest species of owls in the world. They are approximately 30 inches in length as adults and the wing span can be more than 6 ½ feet.
African Fish Eagles

are kleptoparasites, which is to say they habitually steal prey from other species. Common victims of this piratical behaviour include goliath herons and saddle-billed stork.
Great Egret

They snare prey by walking slowly or standing still for long periods, waiting for an animal to come within range of their long necks and blade-like bills. The deathblow is delivered with a quick thrust of the sharp bill, and the prey is swallowed whole. 


7. What is the largest African species in the kingfisher family (Alcedinidae)? Giant Kingfisher


In Southern Africa, the Giant kingfisher is found mostly in the wetter western area. Its range is very close to water, with an ample supply of food, preferably with overhanging branches or perches used for hunting.


8. Largest living bird in Africa? Common Ostrich


Found across Africa’s hot savannahs and open woodland, the ostrich is the world’s largest bird. It stands up to a massive 2.7m tall and weighs as much as 159kg.


9. Africa’s smallest bird of prey? African Pygmy Falcon

The pygmy falcon, or African pygmy falcon, is a falcon that lives in eastern and southern Africa and is the smallest raptor on the continent. As a small falcon, only 19 to 20 cm long.


10. Can you name three resident species in the bee-eater family (Meropidae)? Little, white-fronted and swallow-tailed 


The bee-eaters are a group of near passerine birds in the family Meropidae, containing three genera and twenty-seven species. Most species are found in Africa and Asia, with a few in southern Europe, Australia, and New Guinea. They are characterised by richly coloured plumage, slender bodies, and usually elongated central tail feathers. All have long down-turned bills and medium to long wings, which may be pointed or round.



11. In what country would you find these landmarks? 




The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of the world's largest inland deltas. While most river deltas usually lead to an ocean, the Okavango River empties onto open land, flooding the savanna and creating a unique and ever-changing inland delta.


 The Namib is a coastal desert in southern Africa. The name Namib is of Khoekhoegowab origin and means "vast place". 
Zimbabwe or Zambia

You can see the Victoria Falls from twon countries: 75% of the Falls can be seen from the Zimbabwean side, while the remaining 25% is visible from the Zambian side.



12. Wilderness operates in how many African countries? Seven
Operating in seven countries with over 40 camps, we exist to protect wilderness areas and the fauna and flora they support. We believe that in protecting these areas, and including local communities in this process, we will make a difference to Africa and ultimately the world.


13. The Victoria Falls is also known as “Mosi-oa-Tunya”, which means? The Smoke That Thunders

The incredibly loud roar of the Zambezi River as it rushes over the cliffs to form the Victoria Falls is guaranteed to take your breath away. The falls are nicknamed Mosi-oa-Tunya; which means 'The smoke that thunders', by the locals, due to the billowing clouds of mist that rise up and drench everything and everyone in its reach when the river is in flood.

14. What is the most common antelope found in Sossusvlei? Oryx (Gemsbok)


Oryx can survive long period without water (even couple of weeks). Unlike other mammals, oryx can raise its body temperature to prevent perspiration and loss of body-water during the day.

15. Which Wilderness Safaris camps are these? 


Doro Nawas

 rests on the edge of the dry Aba-Huab River overlooking ancient plains with glorious views of the rugged Damaraland area. 

 Long known as “the Place of Plenty,” Mombo boasts enormous concentrations of plains game and predators and is considered to be one of the best areas for game viewing in Africa
Bisate Lodge 

adjacent to Volcanoes National Park, combines the bucket-list gorilla trek with a pioneering vision of reforestation and community partnership
Serra Cafema

 set under verdant trees on the banks of the Kunene River, Serra Cafema is one of the most remote camps in southern Africa.
Vumbura Plains 

lies in an area that is a mix of water and dry land. The wildlife is diverse, so that both land and water activities on vehicles, mekoro and boats deliver an all-round African safari experience.
Ruckomechi Camp

looks out from the banks of the mighty Zambezi River in Mana Pools. It is a remote, beautiful place with spectacular views of the broad flowing river, the adjacent woodland and the mountains of the Rift Valley escarpment.


16. In what year was Wilderness founded? 1983

Founded in Botswana in 1983, Wilderness is widely acclaimed as the continent’s foremost ecotourism operator, dedicated to conserving and restoring Africa’s wilderness and wildlife. We do this by creating life-changing journeys for our guests in some of the most remote and pristine areas in Africa – and in so doing help conserve Africa’s spectacular biodiversity and share ecotourism’s benefits with the communities that live alongside these areas.



17. The Wilderness logo is symbolic of our commitment to protecting pristine and remote wilderness areas. What bird is depicted in the logo? African Skimmer

The African skimmer is the only representative of its family in Africa and its life cycle requires the existence of pristine ecosystems; places where natural flood cycles are not interrupted by manmade dams, and waters sullied by erosion or pollution. These are the areas that Wilderness operates in, and where proceeds from safaris are channelled towards funding the conservation of these habitats. The skimmer is symbolic of our commitment to the conservation of pristine and remote wilderness areas.


18. As a conservation organisation and a responsible ecotourism operator, Wilderness adheres to the philosophy of the 4Cs. Can you name the 4 Cs? Commerce, Conservation, Community and Culture

As a conservation organisation and a responsible ecotourism operator Wilderness believes fully in its vision of the 4Cs – Commerce, Conservation, Community and Culture – as contributing meaningfully to the wildlife and the people of Africa.


19. Wilderness protects approximately how many hectares of land? 2.3 million hectares 

We protect more than 2.3 million hectares across 8 biomes, home to more than 1000 birds, 250 mammal, 200 reptile and 50 amphibian species – including 33 IUCN Red List species.


20. For the Wilderness stalwarts … can you name these conservation initiatives?


Wilderness continues to support Hwange’s Anti-Poaching Unit. Read more here
Save the Rhino Trust Namibia (SRT) and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET). Read more here
Reforestation Bisate Lodge pioneers a visionary ecotourism model. Read more here
Wilderness Wildlife Trust supports translocated wild dogs in Mana Pools. Read more here


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