
Wilderness Bisate Newsletter – December 2023

Camp news

Ryan Dewes


Happy New Year!

Another year has come and gone at our beautiful Wilderness Bisate. 2023 will be the year that we will remember for the healing of the hospitality industry as a whole. Covid was a devastating time globally for tourism, and we are finally seeing our amazing guests coming back from all around the world. After almost two years of being confined to their homes, people are coming out to experience what Africa offers. We would like to thank our guests who have travelled to Rwanda, and as we look back on a very successful year, we also look forward to what is going to be a very exciting 2024.

Wilderness’ Rwandan operation has gone from strength to strength, with our sister camps Sabyinyo and Magashi showcasing the variety of beauty that Rwanda has to offer. With exciting new offerings in the pipeline, and our existing properties now truly showing at their very best, we can be sure that this little nugget of African gold – that is largely still unknown to the greater hospitality industry worldwide – will continue to dazzle guests from far and wide. Again, we wish you the best for this new year, and may 2024 bring you prosperity and a hunger to search for wild, untamed places in this world.


Children in the Wilderness at Bisate Primary & Bisate Secondary schools

Located near Wilderness Bisate is Nyabitsinde Primary School, whose environmental clubs have raised 210 indigenous saplings in their tree nursery. As the trees were ready to be planted, and inspired by the reforestation project at Bisate, a few weeks ago the school requested a tree planting activity on the Bisate property.


On Friday 15 December the school children visited Bisate and planted their trees on land we recently added to the Bisate property to further expand our reforestation efforts.


It was great to see all the motivated young conservationists committed to planting their trees. Next year these trees should already be a lot bigger, and the children are excited to come and visit them to see their progress.

Bisate family

Hospitality is not just a job, it is truly a calling. In this difficult but rewarding career, there come certain sacrifices that one must make. One is the long hours that we work and the time and love that we put in for our lovely guests. The other is the fact that we work in these incredible places, but seldom get to experience the beauty ourselves.



This second issue can sometimes be rectified by the very same guests who stay with us. This last month, we had a wonderful family who donated five gorilla permits so that some of our staff could go and see the main attraction here – the gorillas. Names were thrown in a hat and five lucky staffers were drawn. Lunch packs and trekking gear were organised, and a Land Cruiser and coffees were provided to give our staff the true guest experience.


We are happy to report that our staff had a spectacular gorilla encounter and have come back with stories that they don’t hesitate to share with our guests. It really is these gestures that make it all worthwhile, and we once again tip our collective hat to our lovely guests who made this all possible.

01 / 04

Literally everything! Accommodations were stunning. Service was unparalleled. You guys care so much about our enjoyment, and it shows. My favorite resort or lodge stay ever.

– L&D

Let’s plan your next journey


When we say we’re there every step of the way, we mean it, literally. From planning the perfect circuit, to private inter-camp transfers on Wilderness Air, and easing you through Customs. We’re with you on the ground, at your side, 24-7, from start to finish. Ready to take the road less travelled? Contact our Travel Designers to plan an unforgettable journey.