
Great Predator Sightings on a Botswana Private Journey


Richard Avalino


"     Two incredible sightings, made all the more dramatic witnessing them two days in a row. "

Botswana Private Journeys Guide Richard Avalino was leading a safari that had started at Toka Leya on the Zambezi River in Zambia. As his group arrived in northern Botswana, on our private Linyanti Concession, they had amazing sightings of lions along the Savute Channel (known by some as “the stolen river” because of its ephemeral flow pattern).

Richard picks up the story: “A pride of lions consisting of two females and five sub-adult cubs were in the area and we saw them bring down a red lechwe along the Savute Channel on our first day. The following day they brought down a baby giraffe. Two incredible sightings, made all the more dramatic witnessing them two days in a row.


In the south of the Okavango Delta we came across a cheetah that was walking along in the open grassland. We watched her elevate herself on top of a termite mound to get a better view. From here she spotted some impala in the distance and hurried down off the mound, running towards the antelope. Unfortunately one of the impala picked up her presence and started alarming, and the herd managed to get away from her.”

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