In the sun-kissed Busanga Plains of Zambia’s Kafue National Park, a tale of power and prestige is unfolding slowly with the return and perseverance of Prince Alex, a male lion that was kicked out of the Plains many years ago. In his quest to try and claim kingship from Mohawk, the current ruler of the Busanga Plains, fierce battles were seen between these two majestic lions. For a couple of months now, Alex has been gearing up to claim the ultimate prize, kingship. The battles have been bloody, with both males walking away with deep wounds.
Mohawk, the incumbent, had until recently been ruling with his now-deceased partner, General, with wisdom and strength. His powerful roar demands respect from all. However, his reign is being challenged by Alex, a young and ambitious lion with a thirst of power.

The winner will claim dominion over the Busanga Plains, including the prized territory, resources, and mating rights. So far, Alex has received favour from a number of lionesses within the Busanga Plains.
As the season progresses, tensions rise! Alex and Mohawk engaged in a series of intense stare-downs, their eyes locked in a silent challenge. The air is electric with anticipation, as the pride’s females and younger males watch with bated breath.
Will Alex’s youthful ambition triumph? Stay tuned for the next update roaring from the Busanga to find out who will emerge victorious in this epic struggle for sovereignty.