Hi folks,
It's the 14th of November, and it's midday in the Ngamo Depression. It is boiling hot, 43° C, and I am driving my trusty old Cruiser across the open plain of Kalahari Desert sand to attend to and refuel the diesel engines pumping and providing water to the wildlife of this area.
It's the dry season and the hard times, when men, machine and equipment are tested to the limit of their endurance. Game water supply is under enormous pressure as thousands of elephant, buffalo and other game rely on these waterholes to drink. Even with the pumps and engines running nonstop, 24 hours a day, the water levels are dropping – the pumps can only supply so much water, and no more.
Myself, my assistant, my Cruiser and my equipment are out on the road each and every day, making sure that water is being provided and doing the best that we can to keep it all going. At this time of year, the survival of the wildlife depends on this.
The past eight years of managing our concessions’ game water supply has been an incredible time of my life; having unique experiences and adventures, while driving the back roads pumping water for the elephant, and being able to do something positive and constructive for wildlife conservation. It is a great privilege for me to be here, part of the great circle of life in Hwange.
Here are just a few pictures of my latest adventures, which I hope you will enjoy.

God Bless Hwange National Park!
Take care and chin up,
Mr B