There have been instances where lions in the Savute region have been observed preying on young elephants. The Savuti Pride, in particular, gained attention for exhibiting this unusual behaviour.
Needless to say, the Savute lions are celebrities. On our recent visit to Wilderness Savuti and Little DumaTau camps, we enjoyed numerous sightings of these incredible lions, and what a privilege to spend intimate moments with the descendants of the legendary Savute lions!

Here is a quick update on the lion prides of the Savuti Channel, almost 30 years after they became a household name (in our house at least!) –
Currently there are two prides roaming the area between Wilderness Savuti and DumaTau camps; they are known as the Channel Pride and the DumaTau Pride (a breakaway pride originating from the Channel Pride).
The Channel Pride currently consists of 16 lions, excluding the two dominant males, named Golden Boy and Man in Charge. They replaced the Smiling Boys a few years ago, and are now the dominant force. There are five adult females, with the youngest female currently having had her first litter of two cubs. At the time of our visit in October 2023 they were only five weeks old, and still separated from the pride. We shared some intimate moments with the mother and cubs... The rest of the pride is made of by one-year-old cubs and a few other sub-adults.
In the western reaches of the Savuti Channel things are currently not that stable. The dominant males of the DumaTau Pride, named the Channel Boys, were met by a force, apparently coming from the south... They are a fierce coalition of six male lions, leaving the Channel Boys barely escaping with their lives and surrendering their territory. The guides named them the Angry Boys, with one of the males being particularly aggressive and unfortunately killing most of the cubs.