
Wilderness Namibia newsletters - May 2024

Camp news

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Namibia in May

Namibia during May is a fantastic time to experience all the marvels the country’s desert wonderland has to offer. Activities such as hiking, nature drives and walking safaris offer the most at this time of year.


May in Namibia is often considered "shoulder" season. This means that, at this time, you can enjoy fewer people, lower prices and excellent weather conditions. The shoulder season status makes May an attractive option for those who want to experience Namibia's landscapes and wildlife without the concern of large groups of tourists and extreme temperatures.


Join us as we explore Wilderness Namibia and the highlights May brought into each of our camps.

Wilderness Damaraland

Damaraland weather and landscapes 


It seems the rainy season is over – though we received hardly any this season anyway. The surrounding landscape and the riverbed become a place for animals to gather because of the drought. 


Wildlife at Damaraland Camp


The desert-adapted elephant began moving longer distances in search of better foraging, but still good sightings were recorded of a few herds. 

Even though the drought is now the norm, we noticed that the baby elephant numbers have increased too.





Staff news


Our team is growing and moving forward with different responsibilities, and we are so excited to have Mr Sem Alweendo as our camp-based Diesel Mechanic here at DMC. Ms Monika Edward is our Assistant Manager and we also have an Assistant Relief Manager in the form of Mr George Muvuma. What a team… the PRIDE!


Guest feedback


Our guest numbers increased and good feedback was received – especially after we spoilt them with our unusual bush dinners and bush breakfasts up at the hillside viewpoint!


By Collin A. Netope, Camp Manager 

Discover Damaraland Camp

Wilderness Doro Nawas

What a busy time it has been for us! Thanks to our great team, our guests were expertly looked after. 


Every member of our team, from Maintenance and Housekeeping, to our Chefs, Waiters, Guides, and Managers, did an excellent job.


Doro Nawas camp news


We had elephants visiting the camp, which our guests thoroughly enjoyed. However, it wasn’t easy for the Maintenance team, as they had to repair water pipes broken by the elephants. Despite the challenges, all our guests enjoyed their chosen activities.

Meals and drinks were also well received.


We are also excited to welcome a few new members to our Doro Nawas Camp team as well as share a few pictures capturing the magic from this busy time.


The tasty food is high up, and the elephants stand on their hind legs to reach it. Seeing this unique behaviour is a thrilling privilege.

Discover Doro Nawas
01 / 05

Wilderness Little Kulala

April weather & landscape in the Namib


We did not really get much rain, and it is very dry. We’re at the beginning of winter and the temperature drops to 15° Celsius at night, topping out at 30° C in the afternoons.


The water courses are naturally dry at this time of year too. 


Wildlife around Little Kulala


Two brown hyenas have been spotted at the camp water hole several times, while sweet little black-backed jackals are regularly seen around Little Kulala, even coming close to the main area.


Camp activities 


We had a family of four stay with us for three nights. To celebrate a 50th birthday, they asked for a private bush dinner and we created a special set up for them, which they loved! Our Little Kulala team put on a private performance of singing and dancing, which the guests also loved, and joined in on. 


Guest comments


The food, the fact that they always called me by my name, the clean room, delicious wine, a nice touch including hand weights in the room. Nelson was an excellent guide. All was excellent! Keep up the great work!


Staff in camp


James Muzamai – Lodge manager
Wilson Paulus – Food & beverage Manager
Peneyambeko Paulus (Penny) – Assistant manager
Treandy Muyunda – Assistant Manager

Discover Little Kulala
01 / 04

Wilderness Hoanib Skeleton Coast

Hoanib weather and landscape in April/May


With no rain and easterly winds for six consecutive days, the maximum temperature topped out at 48° Celsius, dropping to 18° C overnight. The average daily high for this time of year was 36° C.


The Hoanib River is currently dry, which is to be expected at this time of year. However, drives along the water course make the most of the welcome salvadora, ana, tortilis and wild tamarisk trees to be seen here. 


Wildlife of the Hoanib River area 


The starkly beautiful landscape around Wilderness Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp forms the perfect backdrop for an unexpectedly prolific array of wildlife and birds. 


Thrillingly, the male lion Opie was seen in the company of Charlie and Bravo, and we are hoping for cubs in a few months’ time!


Other noteworthy sightings were of a caracal, and cheetah on a springbok kill (two in one hunt!), while Research Manager Emsie’s favourite subject, brown hyenas, were also spotted. 


Guests on drives saw elephants and giraffes, and antelopes including steenbok, springbok and oryx. 


They also added ostrich, rock kestrel, pale chanting goshawk, greater flamingo and black-headed heron to their avian ticks for the area.


Love is in the air


While February is known as the month of love, we felt fortunate to host a honeymoon couple this month, who we set up private room dinners for. Continuing the romance theme, there was also a proposal from a guest, and his partner said YES! 


Guest feedback


Guests commented on the friendliness of our staff, and knowledge of the guides, while our dining experiences had excellent reviews too. One visitor even mentioned ‘Michelin Star quality’, which our entire F&B team greatly appreciated. 

Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp
01 / 05

Wilderness Serra Cafema

Kunene weather and landscapes in April


A brief 10mm rain shower brought relief from the temperatures, which reached the high 30°s C, maxing out at 40° C for the month. 


A strong afternoon wind from the west cooled the temperatures in the evenings.


The dry weather has not affected the trees and shrubs, including ana and tamarisk trees, and commiphora and nara, as well as the toxic Euphorbia damarana bushes.


The Kunene River level is high, which is ideal for guests’ boat cruises. 





Wildlife and birds seen around Serra Cafema


From impressive Nile crocodiles to stately grey and goliath herons, numerous Egyptian geese, lovely golden weavers and paradise flycatchers, and busy little pied kingfishers, sightings on and around the river were consistently rewarding.


Other wildlife sightings seen inland included oryx, springbok, and thrillingly, horned and puff adders, and a Namaqua chameleon. 


It’s always a delight to see a green-backed heron, which has a unique fishing technique. It uses bait such as feathers or leaves to lure its prey before striking, and is arguably the most skilled of all the herons.


Community, Culture and Conservation


Guests were awed by their visit to a Himba community at Orumue, and seeing their herds of goats, with one woman milking her cow. 





Out and about at Serra Cafema


Our guests loved their riverside lunch set-ups, as well as the sundowner set-up on the river bank on the Angolan side, while the short walk downstream to the rapids never fails to impress.


Camp news


The junior staff village rebuild is now complete. 


Guest comments


The Himba activity, the friendliness and efficiency of the team; the surprise candlelit dinner in the desert, the beautiful singing, the attention to all our needs and knowledge of the guides; the cheerfulness of the staff.

Discover Serra Cafema
01 / 08

We have visited several camps in Namibia and prefer Wilderness camps as they have the best location and experiences. Wilderness has an exclusive concession that gives you access with your guide to all these amazing areas in a closed 4x4 vehicle.


Let’s plan your next journey


When we say we’re there every step of the way, we mean it, literally. From planning the perfect circuit, to private inter-camp transfers on Wilderness Air, and easing you through Customs. We’re with you on the ground, at your side, 24-7, from start to finish. Ready to take the road less travelled? Contact our Travel Designers to plan an unforgettable journey.