
Photos of Abundant Linyanti Wildlife Reserve


Tenneil Zondagh


Running parallel to the Okavango River, the Kwando River flows south from Angola across the Zambezi Region (formerly known as the Caprivi Strip) and into Botswana. Like the Okavango, it spreads out over the Kalahari sand, here forming the famous Linyanti Swamps. The Linyanti Wildlife Reserve is dominated by large areas of mopane woodlands, and cutting across this from west to east is the bed of the Savuti Channel.


It is this geographical wonder that makes the area so special and offers ideal game viewing and photographic opportunities. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at some of the amazing entries in the Wilderness Africa in Focus photographic competition.


All these images were taken within the phenomenally productive Linyanti Wildlife Reserve, where Wilderness hosts guests at DumaTau, King’s Pool and Savuti.


Image by Kate MacWilliam; a young elephant surrounded by its herd as they cross the King's Pool lagoon


Image by Annabel Venter; in 2013 the Savuti Channel still had water flowing through it to the Savuti Marsh. Saba, the fishing leopard ruled the marsh and the nearby channel and hills. This was a quiet and magic moment as she surveyed her territory, one I won't easily forget.


Image by Robert Taylor; enjoying a few quiet moments after the sun had set. This warthog had survived another day and retreated into his burrow for the coming night.


Image by Nancy Nelson; on our last evening at King’s Pool we enjoyed a beautiful cruise on the river, and were thrilled at the elephant parade in the sunset


Image by Dale Namnick; nestled in some thickets, the Savuti Marsh Pride welcomed five new cubs into the pride


Image by Dave Winter; we often observed from a distance the huge dense flocks of red-billed quelea wheeling through the sky. One flock descended close to us like a rolling wave of the birds landing, feeding and then taking off. In the image I tried to capture that moving wave of the dense flock.


Image by Graham Maskell; Dragon Fly


Image by Bakang Baloi; an approaching storm adding drama to the sunset


Image by Gavin Chamberlain; early evening sunset taken from floating deck at DumaTau


Image by Todd Martin; two Verreaux’s eagle-owls, male and female, showing love and affection – nature is harsh but heart-warming to see this side of it as well

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