
Discover Namibia – Our Latest Safari Highlights

Our Collective

Melissa Siebert


Namibia is a singular destination, with its otherworldly, Martian landscapes; the world’s oldest desert; wild coastlines littered with shipwreck remains and whale bones; unusual flora and fauna – and at eight people per square mile, one of the lowest population densities on the planet.

Our seven camps rest lightly here, co-habiting this stark, striking wilderness with a range of desert-adapted lion, rhino, elephant, and other species. Whether you’re tracking rhino, driving over the dunes to the sea, hot-air ballooning over infinite spaces, listening to the Himba’s tribal tales, or gazing at an impossibly starry night sky, Namibia delivers, and inspires.

Unforgettable adventures and a warm welcome await you…

Meanwhile, in your absence, staff have been training up in hospitality, guiding and other departments. Seven pilots have come online again for Wilderness Air, to fly you safely around the country. Staff and local communities have been getting vaccinated for their protection and yours. And an adorable giraffe duo has moved in at Little Kulala.

The details, as reported by our Namibian team:

Celebrating Our Guides

Guides at all the camps renew their expertise and enthusiasm for their work daily. At our Desert Rhino Camp, guests experience the conservation miracle of tracking some of Africa’s largest free-ranging populations of Critically Endangered desert-adapted black rhino. Rhino tracking on foot and by vehicle with their dedicated protectors is a unique wilderness experience, with its own protocols: approaching a rhino slowly and in single file; sitting in a half-circle to observe; following a system of hand signals; photographing subtly and stopping if the rhino is disturbed. Other camp activities include exploring the area – the Palmwag Concession – on full-day outings, nature drives, or walks.


Hoanib Skeleton Coast, located in the Namib Desert’s famed Kaokoveld ‘where the desert meets the sea’, is highly photogenic, and camp guides love sending us photographs of its jaw-dropping images – morning mist seeping across the Earth; ochre dunes rolling down to the Atlantic; dusty elephants melding with rusty crags; lion prowling the gravelly sands. The landscape may seem empty at first, but soon reveals itself to be full of life, home to desert-adapted elephant and lion, giraffe, leopard, cheetah, hyaena, black rhino, black-backed jackal, oryx, a host of various birds, and many other creatures. Hoanib prides itself on its on-site research centre, where monitoring, tracking, and other studies of elephant, lion, and brown hyaena are ongoing – a source of enrichment for guests.

For Our Collective Health

All 10 staff members and 39 members of the Himba community have been vaccinated at Serra Cafema, our northernmost camp in Namibia, set on the banks of the Kunene River, with Angola’s mountains in the distance. Given the camp’s remoteness, staff travelled 22 hours to get vaccinated, a testament to their commitment to protect themselves, their Himba tribal partners, and camp guests. Meeting the Himba, Namibia’s last semi-nomads, is a highlight for those lucky enough to visit this camp, an earthy yet elegant homage to the environment and the Himba people. Serra Cafema’s home – the 300 000-hectare Marienfluss Conservancy, owned primarily by the Himba – is a model of ecotourism. Says Manager Radimar Karsten of the camp: ‘A place of life and laughter in such a dramatic landscape’.

Journeys at Little Kulala

Recently spotted at Little Kulala, Wilderness Safaris’ newly refurbished camp in Namibia’s 27 000-hectare Kulala Wilderness Reserve (KWR), was a mini-journey of two giraffe, browsing along the riverbeds and drinking from the camp’s waterhole. Camp staff started dreaming of future baby giraffe, till they discovered that both of the newcomers are male. Still thrilled with their arrival, however.

Staff also appreciated the visit last month from Andries Burger of Paul Cluver Wines, which are served at camp. Andries shared his knowledge in viticulture and oenology , enhancing staff’s service confidence.

The refreshed camp, with its cleaner, contemporary lines, entices with its adventures. Yet along with all the activity it offers a vast amount of space, arresting landscapes, and peace. The ultimate pristine wilderness. You can’t get much closer to the renowned, 300-metre high red dunes of Sossusvlei and the haunting panoramas of Dead Vlei, accessible through an exclusive-use gate.

At Little Kulala, see the desert come alive on walks, drives, e-bikes, quad bikes, or from the sky in a hot-air balloon. The Namib may seem lifeless – but appearances deceive. Nicknamed ‘The Living Desert,’ it supports an array of desert-adapted wildlife, including many tiny creatures not immediately visible. That’s part of the magic. Taking the time, immersing yourself in nature so you’re better able to see.

And now, with the arrival of this giraffe pair, to see double.

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When we say we’re there every step of the way, we mean it, literally. From planning the perfect circuit, to private inter-camp transfers on Wilderness Air, and easing you through Customs. We’re with you on the ground, at your side, 24-7, from start to finish. Ready to take the road less travelled? Contact our Travel Designers to plan an unforgettable journey.